We will customize your trip to include your own interests and wishes and I will show you the best of India without a tight schedule or a formal touristic feel.

I am flexible and experienced and happy to organize journeys from one day to one month – feel free to ask me about a special tailored option that suits your travel plans and preferences.

Whether you are an individual traveler or a group, I will make sure that you experience everything you are curious to see here in the holy land of India.

Some of the highlights of your journey could include:

  • exploring India’s most exciting cultural, religious & historic sites
  • hiking and exploring in nature
  • yoga and meditation classes
  • eating and learning to cook authentic Indian cuisine
  • taking part in rituals and attending aarti ceremony on the river ganges
  • meeting swami, sadhu and yogis
  • visiting traditional villages
  • observing colourful Indian traditions
  • connecting with other seekers

A one-week journey could include:

  • Travel from Delhi to Rishikesh (can be arranged by taxi/train/bus or flight as per your convenience)
  • Visit the temple and ashram with a Ganga River ceremony in the evening (the meaning of this ancient ceremony will be explained and you can take part in the rituals)
  • Meeting Swami (holymen) in the ashram and join for satsang (spiritual discussion group)
  • Daily yoga, meditation and pranayama sessions
  • Day trip to Haridwar, the ancient holy city
  • Visit to Varanasi, the infamous sacred city, or Jaipur, the jewel of Rajasthan 

A two-week journey could include:

  • All of the above plus a trip into the Himalayas of India (will require some taxi hire)
  • Visit the Himalayan pilgrimage sites and holy temples (during season times)
  • Explore some of the tiny traditional Himalayan villages
  • Enjoy the beautiful views and peaceful nature
  • Trekking in Himalayas with breathtaking mountain views
  • Explanation about Indian culture and religion
  • Translation of discussion with local people

Accommodation & food:

During the journey, we will stay in a range of ashrams, guesthouses and homestays with good-hearted Indian families living in the mountains.

You can meet local people and connect with many of your hosts.

We will try some real authentic Indian food, depending on your taste, and I will take you to good quality local restaurants.

It certainly helps to have someone know the area and the best places to eat here in India!

Meet the holymen of India:

In Hinduism, a sadhu, swami, sanyasi is someone who has renounced the material world in exchange for a spiritual path. They typically live away from society in mountains, caves, forests and ashrams – especially in the Himalayas, and the holy pilgrimage sites.

I have connections with many sadhu across India, from Brahmin priests in Rishikesh to the spectacular aghori baba of Varanasi, Buddhist monks and wandering yogis of the Himalayas. We can meet some of them on our journey.

Are you interested in journeying in India?

Whatever you’re seeking, you’ll surely find it here in India.

If you’d like to contact me to inquire about a tailored trip in India, use the orange button to the left, or contact me via my contact page located in the main menu above.

I look forward to connecting with you!

